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 L1  Line 1
 L2  Line 2
 L3  Line 3
 L4  Line 4
 L5  Línea 5
 L6  Línea 6
 L7  Línea 7
 L8  Línea 8
 L9N  Línea 9N
 L9S  Línea 9S
 L10N  Line 10N
 L10S  Line 10S
 L11  Line 11
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Ticket Calculator: Calculates your ideal ticket (for days)

Version 1.2. Updated: May 2023

What is the cheapest ticket for yourself or someone else? Enter the data and you can calculate how much the price of each trip is when using any combination of Barcelona transportation (metro, bus, tram, funicular or FGC train, you can use all with the same ticket). The next calculations are based on the current prices for Barcelona metro tickets 2023.


Calculation of MONTHLY (you're living in Barcelona) Calculation DAILY (only a few days)

This form is only for tourists who are in Barcelona for less than 30 days and or need to use public transportation for a short time (eg if your car is broken down and in the repair shop).

The price per trip is calculated taking into account the number of tickets needed. For example, if you take 18 trips using the T10 (10 trips per trip) you need two T10 cards (you pay for 20 trips). In short, the price of 20 trips is divided by 18 trips, so the price per trip is accurate, even though you have two trips leftover.

If you plan to be in Barcelona for more than a month, you’ll need to use the monthly calculation form.


Age: Depending on the age of the passenger, some tickets available at a discount.
Are you a tourist? Select "I am a tourist" if you are NOT registered in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. This is importantbecause some tickets can only be purchased with anofficial Barcelona certificate of registration
How many days you will be staying in Barcelona? If you plan to be in Barcelona some months, maybe you’ll need to use the monthly calculation form.
What is the minimum number of trips you'll take each day? At least how many trips do you expect to take each day?
What is the maximum number of trips you'll take each day? And how many at most?
How many zones will you cross? If only traveling in the city of Barcelona (or Airport) and not outlying cities like Cerdanyola or Manresa, answer 1 area. But if for example you intend to go from zone 2 to zone 4, you’ll need a 3-zone ticket because you’ll be going through zone 2, 3 and 4. If you have no idea, select "1 zone".
Are you over 60 AND are a low income earner according to IPREM (Official Spanish Indicator)? In other words, if you're retired and officially poor.
Do you have an officially recognized disability of 33% or less? In other words, if you are wheelchair bound, or vision impaired, etc...
Do you have an officially registered large family or are a single parent? If you do not have an officially registered large family or are a single parent, answer "no".
Are you officially unemployed? In fact, no matter how you answer, only 0.3% of the unemployed in Barcelona are eligible forthis card because the requirements are very strict. Although the Barcelona Transport Authority and City Council, seem very supportive, but they are nothing but liars.

RECOMMENDATION: In the web of Tiqets, you can save up to 20% on some tickets such as the Tourist Bus, Zoo, Cable Car, etc. In general you can buy these tickets online and you save queuing:

Feel free to contact us regarding any fault or defect, indicating the station name and we will correct it.

Thank you very much for your visit, we hope that our Ticket Calculator has been useful to you.


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